1. C. Gavarini,Fundamental plastic analysis theorems and duality in linear programming, in “Ingegneria Civile”, n. 18, 1966 (both in Italian and in English).
2. A. Charnes-C. E. Lemke-O. C. Zienkiewicz,Virtual work, linear programming and plastic limit analysis, Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series A-Math. and Phys. Sciences, May 1959.
3. P. G. Hodge,Plastic analysis of structures, New York, 1959.
4. W. T. Koiter,General theorems for elastic-plastic solids—Chapter IV, in “Progress in solid Mechanics”, Vol. I, Sneddon and Hill Editors, 1960.
5. G. Ceradini-C. Gavarini,Calcolo a rottura e programmazione lineare, in “Giornale del Genio Civile”, gennaio-febbraio 1965.