1. G. A. Vinogradov and L. I. Komarova, Poroshk. met., No. 1 (1962).
2. G. A. Vinogradov and V. P. Katashinskii, Poroshk. met., No. 1 (1964).
3. G. I. Aksenov, Fundamentals of Powder Metallurgy [in Russian], Kuibyshevskoe knizhnoe izdatl'stvo (1962).
4. G. A. Vinogradov and I. M. Fedorchenko, Poroshk. met., No.1 (1961).
5. G. A. Vinogradov and I. D. Radomysel'skii, Pressing and Rolling of Cerments [in Russian], Mashgiz (1963).