1. R. W. Messler, Jr., G. S. Ansell, and V. I. Ligunov:Trans. ASM, 1969, vol. 62, p. 362.
2. H. R. Woehrle, W. R. Clough, and G. S. Ansell:Trans. ASM, 1966, vol. 59, p. 784.
3. G. S. Ansell and E. M. Breinan:Trans. ASM, 1965, vol. 58, p. 110.
4. J. Boniszewski:Physical Properties of Martensite and Bainite, JISI SR 93, p. 22, Iron and Steel Institute, London, 1965.
5. G. S. Ansell and A. Arrott:Trans. TMS-AIME, 1963, vol. 227, p. 1080.