1. Holtan, H. N., N. E. Minshall, and L. L. Harrold. 1962. Field manual for research in agricultural hydrology (Agricultural handbook no. 224). Soil and Water Conservation Research Division Agricultural Research Service, Washington D.C. 215 pp.
2. Kent, K. M., and W. A. Styner. 1971. Estimating runoff. Pages 2–1 and 2–67in Engineering field manual. USDA-Soil Conservation Service, Washington D.C.
3. Mockus, Y. 1972 Estimation of direct runoff from storm rainfall. Pages 10–1 and 10–24in Section 4 (Hydrology), National engineering handbook. USDA-Soil Conservation Service, Washington D.C.
4. Skogerboe, G. V., M. L. Hyatt, J. D. England, and J. R. Johnson. 1967. Design and calibration of submerged open channel flow measurement structures. Parshall flumes part 2. Utah Water Research Laboratory, Utah State University, Logan, Utah. 55 pp.
5. U.S. Congress (92nd). Senate. 1972. Federal water pollution control act amendments of 1972. Public law 92-500. s.2270. Washington D.C. 89 pp.