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2. S.N.Bagayev, Ye.V.Baklanov, V.P.Chebotayev: ZhETF Pisma16, 344 (1972)
3. S.N.Bagayev, L.S.Vasilenko, V.G.Goldort, A.K.Dmitriyev, M.N.Skvortsov, V.P.Chebotayev: Report from 2nd Symposium on Gas Laser Physics, Novosibirsk (1975)
4. J.L.Hall, C.Borde: Phys. Rev. Lett.30, 1101 (1973) J.L.Hall, C.Borde, K.Uehara: Report from 2nd Symposium on Gas Laser Physics, Novosibirsk (1975)
5. V.P.Chebotayev: 2nd Symp. on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Copper Mountain, Colo. USA (July 1976) S.N.Bagayev, L.S.Vasilenko, V.G.Goldort, A.K.Dmitriyev, A.S.Dychkov, M.N.Skvortsov, V.P.Chebotayev: Abstracts submitted to 8th Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics, Tbilisi, USSR (1976), Vol. 2, p. 30