1. M. Ahamad, M. Ammar and S. Y. Cheung, “Replicated Data Management in Distributed Systems”, in Advances in Distributed Computing: Concepts and Design, IEEE Computer Society Press, T.L. Casavant and M. Singhal eds., 1993.
2. M. Ahamad, F. Torres-Rojas, R. Kordale, J. Singh, S. Smith, “Detecting Mutual Consistency of Shared Objects”. Proc. of Intl. Workshop on Mobile Systems and Appl., 1994.
3. M. Ahamad, G. Neiger, J. Burns, P. Kohli and P. Hutto. “Causal memory: definitions, implementation, and programming”. Distributed Computing. September 1995.
4. M. Ahamad, S. Bhola, R. Kordale, F. Torres-Rojas. “Scalable Information Sharing in Large Scale Distributed Systems”. Proc. of the Seventh SIGOPS Workshop, August 1996.
5. M. Ahamad, M.Raynal, and G. Thiakime, “An adaptive architecture for causally consistent services”. Proc. of the 18th IEEE Int. Conf. on Distributed Computer Systems (ICDCS98), pp. 86–95, Amsterdam, 1998.