An observation on Feynman diagrams with axial anomalous subgraphs in dimensional regularization with an anticommuting γ5


Chen LongORCID


Abstract Through the calculation of the matrix element of the singlet axial-current operator between the vacuum and a pair of gluons in dimensional regularization with an anti-commuting γ5 defined in a Kreimer-scheme variant, we find that additional renormalization counter-terms proportional to the Chern-Simons current operator are needed starting from $$ \mathcal{O} $$ O ($$ {\alpha}_s^2 $$ α s 2 ) in QCD. This is in contrast to the well-known purely multiplicative renormalization of the singlet axial-current operator defined with a non-anticommuting γ5. Consequently, without introducing compensation terms in the form of additional renormalization, the Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly equation does not hold automatically in the bare form in this kind of schemes. We determine the corresponding (gauge-dependent) coefficient to $$ \mathcal{O} $$ O ($$ {\alpha}_s^3 $$ α s 3 ) in QCD, using a variant of the original Kreimer prescription which is implemented in our computation in terms of the standard cyclic trace together with a constructively-defined γ5. Owing to the factorized form of these divergences, intimately related to the axial anomaly, we further performed a check, using concrete examples, that with γ5 treated in this way, the axial-current operator needs no more additional renormalization in dimensional regularization but only for non-anomalous amplitudes in a perturbatively renormalizable theory. To be complete, we provide a few additional ingredients needed for a proposed extension of the algorithmic procedure formulated in the above analysis to potential applications to a renormalizable anomaly-free chiral gauge theory, i.e. the electroweak theory.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Nuclear and High Energy Physics







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