CFT correlators from shape deformations in Cubic Curvature Gravity


Anastasiou GiorgosORCID,Araya Ignacio J.ORCID,Argandoña Andrés,Olea RodrigoORCID


Abstract We find a covariant expression for the universal part of the holographic entanglement entropy which is valid for CFTs dual to generic higher curvature gravities in up to five bulk dimensions. We use this functional to compute universal coefficients of stress-tensor correlators in three-dimensional CFTs dual to Cubic Curvature Gravity. Using gauge/gravity duality, we work out an expression for the entanglement entropy of deformed entangling regions and read the coefficients from the power expansion of the entropy in the deformation parameter. In particular, we obtain the t4 coefficient of the 3-point function and exhibit a difference between the results obtained using the entanglement entropy functional for minimal and non-minimal splittings. We compare the obtained expressions for t4 derived considering both splittings with results obtained through other holographic methods which are splitting-independent. We find agreement with the result obtained from the non-minimal splitting, whereas the result derived from the minimal splitting is inconsistent and it is therefore ruled out.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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