We propose a simplified light higgsino-singlino scenario in the NMSSM, in which the masses of the chargino and the lightest neutralino determine the masses and couplings of all 3 lightest neutralinos. This scenario is complementary to the simplified wino-like chargino/neutralino scenario used conventionally for the interpretation of results from trilepton searches, and motivated by lower bounds on the gluino mass in the case of GUT relations between the wino and gluino masses. We present all masses and mixing angles necessary for the determination of production cross sections of the chargino and the 3 neutralinos in the form of tables in the
$ {M_{{\chi_1^0}}}-{M_{{\chi_1^{\pm }}}} $
plane, assuming Higgs mass motivated values for tan β = 2 and λ = 0.6. We show that this scenario leads to considerable signal rates, and present constraints in this plane from recent searches for trileptons at the LHC.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Nuclear and High Energy Physics
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