Flat JT gravity and the BMS-Schwarzian


Afshar HamidORCID,Oblak Blagoje


Abstract We consider Minkowskian Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity in Bondi gauge at finite temperature, with non-zero vacuum energy. Its asymptotic symmetries span an extension of the warped Virasoro group, dubbed ‘BMS2’, which we investigate in detail. In particular, we show that this extension has a single coadjoint orbit when central charges are real and non-zero. The ensuing BMS-Schwarzian action has no saddle points, and only coincides with the boundary action functional of flat JT gravity up to a crucial dilatonic zero-mode that ensures the existence of a well-defined bulk variational principle. We evaluate the corresponding gravitational partition function, which turns out to be one-loop exact precisely thanks to the presence of such a zero-mode.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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