Fortin Jean-François,Pelchat-Voyer Shanny
Visible-sector SUSY-breaking effects are computed in terms of hidden-sector correlation functions for generic holomorphic scalar portals. The solutions, which are valid irrespective of the hidden-sector dynamics, are approximated with the help of the operator product expansion (OPE). Indeed, for theories with superconformal symmetry at high energy, the superconformal OPE formalism can be used to disentangle the high-energy dynamics, encoded in the OPE coefficients, from the low-energy dynamics of the SUSY-breaking vacuum expectation values. A systematic method is proposed to compute the OPE coefficients, using relations between correlation functions of superfields and correlation functions of their quasi-primary component fields. The method, which is quite general, could be useful in building models of gauge- or gravity-mediated SUSY breaking and in analysing the viability of such models in a systematic way.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Nuclear and High Energy Physics