The LPM effect in sequential bremsstrahlung: incorporation of “instantaneous” interactions for QCD


Arnold Peter,Gorda TylerORCID,Iqbal ShahinORCID


Abstract The splitting processes of bremsstrahlung and pair production in a medium are coherent over large distances in the very high energy limit, which leads to a suppression known as the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect. We continue study of the case when the coherence lengths (formation lengths) of two consecutive splitting processes overlap, avoiding soft-emission approximations. Previous work made a “nearly-complete” calculation of the effect of overlapping formation times on gluonic splittings such as g → gg → ggg (with simplifying assumptions such as an infinite QCD medium and the large-Nc limit). In this paper, we extend those previous rate calculations from nearly-complete to complete by including processes involving the exchange of longitudinally-polarized gluons. In the context of Lightcone Pertubation Theory, used earlier for the “nearly-complete” calculation, such exchanges are instantaneous in lightcone time and have their own diagrammatic representation.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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