1. Carnap, R. (1950): Logical Foundations of Probability, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, and Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.
2. Carnap, R. (1952): The Continuum of Inductive Methods, University of Chicago Press.
3. Carnap, R. (1953): On the comparative concept of confirmation, Br. J. Philos. Sci. 3, 311–318.
4. Carnap, R. (1950): Induktive Logik und Wahrscheinlichkeit. (Bearbeitet von Wolfgang Stegmuller), Springer, Wein. (Anhang B: Ein neues Axiomensystem).
5. Feller, W. (1966): An Introductions to Probability Theory and its Applications, Volume II, John Wiley & Sons, New York.