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2. Nikravesh M (2001b) BISC and the new millennium, perception-based information processing. Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing, Report No. 2001-1-SI, September 2001
3. Nikravesh M (2002) Fuzzy conceptual-based search engine using conceptual Semantic indexing, NAFIPS-FLINT 2002, June 27–29, New Orleans, LA, USA
4. Nikravesh M, Azvine B (2001) New directions in enhancing the power of the Internet. In: Proceedings Of the 2001 BISC International Workshop, University of California, Berkeley, Report: UCB/ERL M01/28, August 2001
5. Nikravesh M, Azvin B (2002) Fuzzy queries, search, and decision support system. Int J Soft Comput (Special issue in fuzzy logic and the Internet)