Further remarks on the relations between statistical mechanics and quantum theory of measurement


Daneri A.,Loinger A.,Prosperi G. M.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Medicine

Reference10 articles.

1. A. Daneri, A. Loinger andG. M. Prosperi:Nucl. Phys.,33, 297 (1962). For a qualitative discussion, seeP. Caldirola:Scientia,58 (Nov. 1964).

2. J. von Neumann:Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Chapts. V and VI (Princeton, 1955).

3. L. Rosenfeld:Suppl. Progr. Theor. Phys., extra n., (1965), p. 222.

4. E. P. Wigner:Am. Journ. Phys.,31, 6 (1963). This article is essentially devoted to a discussion of the merits and defects of von Neumann’s approach.

5. A. Shimony:Am. Journ. Phys.,31, 755 (1963). In this review article, the Author raises the following objections to our approach: i) The existence of large-scale quantal behaviours, as,e.g., the spin echoes and the Mössbauer effect, in which unexpected coherent contributions are obtained from the parts of macrosystems, is a caution against underestimating the ingenuity of the experimenters regarding phase relations in macrosystems; ii) from the fact that two macro-observers use the same mixture to describe the system composed of the micro-object and the measuring (macro-) apparatus prior to their respective readings, one can infer only that they make the same statistical predictions correctly characterizing an ensemble of similar situations. However, the agreement of the two observers in aspecific reading of the apparatus would be a mere coincidence. Our answers are as follows:Adv. i). — The states involved in large-scale quantal phenomena have nothing to do with themacroscopic states, which serve as final states of a measuring (macro-) apparatus. See, in particular, the examples discussed byA. Peres andN. Rosen:Phys. Rev.,135, B 1486 (1964).Adv. ii). — We think—withBohr, Jordan andLudwig (cf.e.g. Ludwig’s bookDie Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik (Berlin, 1954))—that quantum mechanics describes the microsystems only through their interactions with the macrosystems, which are the only systems interesting the common experience of the daily life. In our opinion, all the statements concerning the macroscopic state of a large body have a meaning independently of its observation. Weassume that two persons who look at a macroscopic body, or who perform, in particular, a reading of an apparatus, do always «see the same thing». Accordingly, the problem is only to prove that the actual reading of an apparatus may be consistently interpreted as resulting simply in an increase of information (transition from the mixture to one of the composing elements). (Shimony’s objections have also been criticized byM. N. Hack:Am. Journ. Phys.,32, 890 (1964)).

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