1. W. L. JOHNSON III and R. A. BIDDLE, in Proceedings of AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE 22nd Joint Propulsion Conference, Huntsville, Alabama, June 1986, paper AIAA-86-1641.
2. A. A. HODGSON, Therm. Anal. Abstr.
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3. H. LEIS, G. DIETRICH and SCHOBERTH, in Proceedings of COMP '90, “Advanced Composites in Emerging Technologies”, Patras, Greece, August 1990 (Amatec Publ., 1991) p. 20.
4. W. FLÜGE, “Viscoelasticity”, (Blaisdell, Massachusetts, 1967) pp. 70.
5. J. D. LEAR and P. S. GILL, “Theory of Operation of the DuPont 982 Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer”, DuPont Background Paper E 42400.