1. See e.g. AIP Conf. Proc., No. 99 Part, and Fields, Subseries No. 28, New York, 1983: High Energy Spin Physics 1982.
2. D.I. Ermilova et al., Ludmila Collaboration, Nucl. Phys. B137 (1978) 29.
3. B.V. Batyunya et al., Ludmila Collaboration, Czech. J. Phys. B31 (1981) 1353; Proc. of the Conf. on Multi- particle Dynamics, Notre Dame, USA, August 1981, p. 201.
4. B.V. Batyunya et al., Ludmila Collaboration to be published.
5. E.G. Boos et al., Ludmila Collaboration, Nucl. Phys. B121 (1977) 381, B174 (1980) 45.