1. Brönniman, H., Kettner, L., Schirra, S., Veltkamp, R. (1998): Applications of the generic programming paradigm in the design of CGAL. Research Report MPI-I-98-1-030, Max-Planck-Insitut für Informatik
2. Burnikel, C., Fleischer, R., Mehlhorn, K., Schirra, S. (1999): Companion page to ‚Efficient exact geometric computation made easy‘. http:/www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~stschirr/exact/made_easy
3. Burnikel, C., Fleischer, R., Mehlhorn, K., Schirra, S. (2000): A strong and easily computable separation bound for arithmetic expressions involving radicals. Algorithmica 27:87–99
4. Burnikel, C., Mehlhorn, K., Schirra, S. (1996): The LEDA class real number. Research Report MPI-I-96-1-001, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik. A more recent documentation ofthe implementation is available at http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~burnikel/reports/real.ps.gz.
5. CGAL:http://www.cgal.org