1. A. W. Cochardt, US-Patent Nr. 3005705 (Oct. 24, 1961 ).
2. J. Petrusha, “Properties of Hf-modified INCO 713 LC”, paper presented at the Materials Engineering Congress, Detroit 1971.
3. J. M. Dahl, W. F. Danesi und R. G. Dunn, Met. Trans. 4, 1087 (1973).
4. P. S. Kotval, J. D. Venables und R. W. Calder, Met. Trans. 3, 453. (1972).
5. R. G. Dunn, D. L. Sponseller und J. M. Dahl, Proc. Symposium on improved ductility and toughness, Kyoto, 1971, S. 319.