1. Astin, V. A. (Editor): Report of the International Commission on Radiological Units and Measurements (ICRU). Washington: U. S. Nat. Bureau of Standards Handbook 62, 1957.
2. Curtiss, L. F.: Measurements of Radioactivity. Washington: U. S. Nat. Bureau of Standards Circ. 476, 1949.
3. Faires, R. A., and B. H. Parks: Radioisotope Laboratory Techniques. London: George Newnes Ltd., 1958.
4. Fassbender, H.: Einführung in die Meßtechnik der Kernstrahlung und die Anwendung der Radioisotope. Stuttgart: G. Thieme, 1958.
5. Fossati, F. (Editor): Quantities, Units and Measuring Methods of Ionizing Radiation. Milano: U. Hoepli, 1959.