1. L. R. Bahl and R. T. Chien: On Gilbert Burst-Error-Correcting Codes; IEEE Trans., Vol. IT-15, N. 3, pp. 431–433, May 1969.
2. L. R. Bahl and R. T. Chien: Single-and Multiple-BurstCorrecting Properties of a Class of Cyclic Product Codes; IEEE Trans., Vol. IT-17, No. 5, pp. 594–600, Sept. 1971.
3. E. R. Berlekamp: Algebraic Coding Theory; McGraw-Hill, 1968.
4. M. Blaum: A Family of Error-Correcting Codes for Magnetic Tapes; IBM Research Report, 1985.
5. M. Blaum: A Family of Efficient Burst-Correcting Array Codes; IBM Res. Report, March 1989.