1. G. Parisi and Wu Yong-Shi, Sci. Sinica 24 (1981) 483.
2. See. e.g., H. McKean, Stochastic Integrals (Academic, 1969).
3. J.R. Klauder and H. Ezawa, Prog. Theor. Phys. 69 (1983) 664.
4. See, e.g., Y. Nakano, “One-Time Characteristic Functional in the Stochastic Quantization” and “Hidden Supersymmetry in the Stochastic Quantization”, University of Alberta preprints; W. Grimus and H. Hüffel, “Perturbation Theory from Stochastic Quantization of Scalar Fields”, CERN preprint.
5. See, e.g., G. Parisi and Wu Yong-Shi, Sci. Sinica 24 (1981) 483.