1. The merger of the terms “digital” and “materiality” can be traced to the essay “Digital Materiality in Architecture” in Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler, Digital Materiality in Architecture, Lars Müller Publishers, Baden, 2008. Combining seemingly ambivalent concepts — the digital and the material — architecture is enabled to generate new constructive and sensual realities where data and material, programming and construction are interwoven by the techniques of digital fabrication. This allows not only to control the architectural manufacturing process through design data and therefore to “inform” material, but also to express a new sensuality in the digital age of architecture, being characterized by an unusually large number of precisely arranged elements, a sophisticated level of detail, and the simultaneous presence of different scales of formation.
2. Cache, B, 2004, ‘Towards and Associative Architecture’, in Leach, N, Turnbull, D and Williams C, (eds), Digital Tectonics, Wiley & Sons, pp. 103–109.
3. Gramazio, F and Kohler, M 2008, Digital Materiality in Architecture, Lars Müller Publishers, Baden, pp. 8.
4. Semper, G 1878, Der Stil in den technischen und tektonischen Künsten oder praktische Ästhetik, Band 1, Bruckmann, Munich.
5. The project The Fragile Structure was developed 2012 at the ETH Zurich and realised with the support of Schilliger Holz AG (Project leader: Luka Piskorec; team: Volker Helm, Selen Ercan, Thomas Cadalbert; students: Petrus Aejmelaeus Lindström, Leyla Ilman, David Jenny, Michi Keller, Beat Lüdi) For more information, see Professorship for Architecture and Digital Fabrication, ETH Zurich, http://www.dfab.arch.ethz.ch/web/e/lehre/225.html (01.07.2012).