The Law of Interplanetary Space


Valladão H.


Springer Vienna

Reference25 articles.

1. See O Jornal 1957, October 10 and O Jornal do Comercio 1957, October 16 and 27, and November 10, and the article Interplanetary Law and Planetary “Inter-Gentes” Law, in: Revista Jurídica da Faculdade Nacional de Direito 15, No. 5,13/44 and Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Direito Internacional 1957, No. 25/26, 1/33, and reprints.

2. Besides those mentioned in our article Interplanetary Law and Planetary “Inter-Gentes” Law, namely, C. W. JENKS, J. C. COOPER, J. C. HOGAN, A. A. COCCA, BING CHENG and A. MEYER, see several others mentioned in the excellent work by J. C. HOGAN, A Guide to the Study of Space Law. Saint Louis Univ. Law Rev., Spring 1958.

3. Besides the above mentioned articles, in HOGANS “Guide,” about 270, in English, Russian, German, French, Japanese, Italian, Spanish… there are many more recent ones, such as those by our eminent colleagues, L. BABINSKI, of the University of Poznan (Poland), in Sicrecin 1958; A. ULLOA, of the San Marcos University (Lima, Peru) in El Comercio 1959, January 11; CH. G. FENWICK, Amer. J. Internat. Law 1958, January; see, also, the works by E. PÉPIN and B. G. BECHHOEFER, in: Proceedings, 1958, Amer. Soc. Internat. Law; M. S. MCDOUGALL and O. J. LISSITSYN, Amer. J. Internat. Law 1958, July and 1959, January; the works of the Sub-Committee of Space Law, of the American Bar Association, 1958, with the interesting Report by W. A. HYMANN, the interesting “Ponencia” by L. TAPIA SALINAS for the 4th Congress of the Hispanic-Luso-American Institute of International Law, on “Jurisdicion sobre los Espacios Inter- planetarios”, Madrid 1958; an article by K.B.KEATING, Amer. Bar Association J. 1959, January, etc. MCDOUGALL proposes (1) the registration of satellites, (2) the abstention from launching of satellites fitted with nuclear or other explosive warheads, and (3) the launching of certain types of satellites on behalf of, or even as trustee for, the United Nations. LISSITSYN rightly refutes L. E. BECKERS observations on the irrelevance of the absence of protest by the States on the circulation of satellites. Amer. J. Internat. Law 1959, January, p. 130 ff.

4. See W. Buedeler, L’Année Géophysique International. Published by Unesco, 1957, p. 13/14 and 46/47, and a splendid essay by J. C. Hogan, Legal Terminology for the Upper Regions of the Atmosphere and for the Space beyond the Atmosphere. Amer. J. Internat. Law 51, 368/374, and H. Valladão, Interplanetary Law and Planetary “Inter-Gentes” Law, p. 7/8 and 13/16.

5. See W. Buedeler, L’Année Géophysique International. Published by Unesco, 1957, p. 13/14 and 46/47, and a splendid essay by J. C. Hogan, Legal Terminology for the Upper Regions of the Atmosphere and for the Space beyond the Atmosphere. Amer. J. Internat. Law 51, 368/374, and H. Valladão, Interplanetary Law and Planetary “Inter-Gentes” Law, p. 7/8 and 13/16.







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