1. Bartlett, J., “A NonStop Kernel,” Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Operating System Principles, pp. 22–29, Dec. 1981.
2. Borr, A., “Transaction Monitoring in ENCOMPASS,” Proc. 7Th VLDB, September 1981. Also Tandem Computers TR 81. 2.
3. Borr, A., “Robustness to Crash in a Distributed Database: A Non Shared-Memory Multi-processor Approach,” Proc. 9th VLDB, Sept. 1984. Also Tandem Computers TR 84. 2.
4. Burman, M. “Aspects of a High Volume Production Online Banking System”, Proc. Int. Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems, Asilomar, Sept. 1985.
5. Anon., “Tandem Makes a Good Thing Better”, Electronics, pp. 34–38, April 14, 1986.