1. J. Zhao, A. Wang, P. P. Altermatt, S. R. Wenham, and M. A. Green. 24% Efficient silicon solar cells. In 1st World Conf. Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, December 1994. IEEE. To be published.
2. A. G. Aberle, P. P. Altermatt, G. Heiser, S. J. Robinson, A. Wang, J. Zhao, U. Krumbein, and M. A. Green. Limiting loss mechanisms in 23-percent efficient silicon solar cells. J. Appl. Physics, 1995. To appear.
3. G. Heiser and A. G. Aberle. Numerical modelling of non-ideal current-voltage characteristics of high-efficiency silicon solar cells. In 5th Int. W. Num. Modeling Proc. and Dev. for Integr. Circ., pages 177–180, Honolulu, USA, June 1994. IEEE.
4. P. P. Altermatt. Two-dimensional numerical modelling of high-efficiency silicon solar cells. Diploma thesis (physics), University of Constance, Germany, July 1994. Thesis project carried out at UNSW, Sydney, Australia.
5. ISE Integrated Systems Engineering AG, Zurich, Switzerland. DESSIS 1.3.6: Manual, 1994.