1. MEDLAR (1989/1992): Mechanizing deduction in the logics of practical reasoning. Technical Annex of ESPRIT BRA 3125, Department of Computing, Imperial College, University of London (also as Tech. Rep. RISC Linz 89-49.0); Technical Annex of ESPRIT BRP 6471, Department of Computing, Imperial College, University of London.
2. MEDLAR (1990): Medlar milestone 1 deliverables (Proceedings of the 12-Month Workshop, Weinberg Castle, Austria, November 4–7, 1990). Department of Computing, Imperial College, University of London.
3. MEDLAR (1991): Proceedings of the 24-Month Medlar Workshop (Grenoble, France, December 8–11, 1991). Department of Computing, Imperial College, University of London.
4. MEDLAR (1993a): Medlar final progress report. Department of Computing, Imperial College, University of London.
5. MEDLAR (1993b): Medlar II report PPR1 (Proceedings of the 12-Month Workshop, Leeds, UK, July 4–7, 1993). Department of Computing, Imperial College, University of London.