1. Barrère, M., A. Jaumotte, B. Fraeijs De Veubeke und J. Vandenkerckhove: Raketenantriebe, Elsevier Publishing Comp., Amsterdam 1961.
2. Taylor, J.: Solid Propellant and Exothermic Composition, George Newnes Ltd., London 1959.
3. Koelle, H. H., Ed.: Handbook of Astronautical Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York 1961.
4. Zähringer, A. J.: Solid Propellant Rockets, 2. Aufl., American Rocket Co., Wyandotte, Mich., 1958.
5. Summerfield, M., Ed.: Solid Propellant Rocket Research, Progress in Astronautics and Rocketry, Vol. 1, 1960.