1. The Book of A. Vol. I. Archaeol., Ed. J. A. Balfour. (Beitr. von A. Geikie, T. H. Bryce u.a.) Glasgow 1910. II. Hist, and folklore. By W.M.Mackenzie. 1914.
2. Gl. Sv. Sc.: The gl. of the central and N distr. of A., S Bute, and the Cumbraes etc., by Sir A. Geikie, W. Gunn, B. N. Peach and A. Harker. 1903.
3. Gl. Sv. Sc.: The gl. of A. (Arran Map, includ. parts of sh. 12 and 21). By G. W. Tyrrell. 1928.
4. Gl. Sv., Br. Reg. Gl., Sc. : The tertiary volcanic distr. By J. E. Ritchie. Edb. 1935.
5. Stark, J., Notes on the gl. of SE A. TrGlSGlasg. 13, 1908, 191–194.