1. “A pure economic loss is a financial loss which is not causally consequent upon physical injury to the plaintiff’s own person or property”, B. Feldthusen, Economic Negligence. The Recovery of Pure Economic Loss (4th edn. 2000), 1. Some legal systems distinguish this hypothesis from the one in which the victim suffers both a physical and a financial loss. In the latter cases, compensation for financial loss is more likely. For a recent comparative perspective, see also M. Furmston (ed.), The Law of Tort. Policies and Trends in Liability for Damage to Property and Economic Loss (1986)
2. E. Banakas (ed.), Civil Liability for Pure Economic Loss (1996)
3. M. Bussani/V. Palmer (eds.), Pure Economic Loss in Europe (2003).
4. See J.M. Van Dunné, Liability for Pure Economic Loss: Rule or Exception? A Comparatist’s View of the Civil Law — Common Law Split on Compensation of Non-Physical Damage in Tort Law, [1999] European Review of Private Law 4, 397–428 at 398.
5. See W. Bishop, Economic Loss: Economic Theory and Emerging Doctrine, in: M. Furmston (ed.), The Law of Tort. Policies and Trends in Liability for Damage to Property and Economic Loss (1986), 73 et seq.