1. See, e.g., Plessas, W. in: Selected Topics in Nuclear Structure (Proc. of the 25th Zakopane School of Physics), ed. by J. Styczen and Z. Stachura. Singapore: World Scientific, 1990.
2. Pauschenwein, J., Mathelitsch, L., and Plessas, W.: Few-Body Syst. Suppl., to appear.
3. Mathelitsch, L., Plessas, W., and Schweiger, W.: Phys. Rev. C 26, 65 (1982);
4. Schweiger, W., Plessas, W., Kok, L.P., and van Haeringen, H.: Phys. Rev. C 27, 515 (1983);
5. Schweiger, W., Plessas, W., Kok, L.P., and van Haeringen, H.: Phys. Rev. C 28, 1414 (1983).