1. Essential References
2. Bijlard, F.S.K., Nethercot, D.A., Stark, J.K.B., Tschemmernegg, T. and Zoetemeijer, P.: Structural properties of semirigid joints in steel frames, IABSE Periodica 2/1989.
3. Eurocode No. 3: Design of Steel Structures, Eurocode Editorial Group, 1990.
4. Davidson, J.B. and Nethercot, D.A.: Overview of Connection Behaviour, in: Structural Connection: Stability and Strength (Ed. R. Narayanan), Elselvier Applied Sciences, London, 1989.
5. De Martino, A. and Mazzolani, F.M.: Inelastic Behaviour of Connection in Steel Construction Design, Proceedings of the International Meeting on Earthquake Protection of Buildings, Ancona, 1991.