1. L.J. Brainard, “The CMEA Financial System and Integration”, paper to be published in Eastern European Integration and East-West Trade, edited by P. Mares and J.M. Montias, revised version, 1977.
2. Collective Study of Foreign Trade Research Institute, East-West Relations, Warsaw 1973.
3. The Comprehensive Programme for the Further Extension and Improvement of Cooperation and
the Development of Socialist Economic Integration by the CMEA Member Countries, CMEA Secretariat, Moscow 1971.
4. Z.M. Fallenbuchl, “The Commodity Composition of Infra-CMEA Trade and the Industrial Structure of the Member Countries”, paper presented at NATO Colloquium on “Comecon: Progress and Prospects”, Brussels, March 16–18, 1977.
5. E.W. Hayden, Technology Transfer to East Europe, Praeger, New York 1976.