1. Arbib, M.A. 1977 From Universal Turing Machines to Self-Reproduction, this volume.
2. Berlekamp, E., J. Conway, and R. Guy 1982 Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays. Orlando: Academic Press.
3. Brady, A.H. 1966 The conjectured highest scoring machines for Rado’s ∑(k) for the value k = 4. IEEETEC, EC-15 5 (Oct. 1966) 802–803
4. Brady, A.H. 1983 The determination of the value of Rado’s noncomputable function ∑(k) for fourstate Turing machines. Math. Comput. 40 (April 1983) 647–665.
5. Burks, A.W. (ed.) 1970 Essays on Cellular Automata. Urbana: University of Illinois Press (1970).