1. Ackerman, N. W.: Interpersonal Disturbance in the Family. Psychiatry (Washington) 17 (1954) 359–368.
2. Ackerman, N. W.: Emergence of Family Psychotherapy on the Present Scene. In: Contemporary Psychotherapies. Ed. by M. I. Stein. The Press of Glencoe, Inc. 1961, 228.
3. Ackerman, N. W.: Further Comments on Family Psychotherapy. Contemporary Psychotherapies. Ed. by M. I. Stein. The Free Press of Glencoe, Inc. 1961, 245.
4. Ackerman, N. W.: The Psychodynamics of Family Life. Basic Books, Inc. New York 1964.
5. Ackerman, N. W.: The Family Approach to Marital Disorders. In: Psychotherapies in Marital Disorders. Ed. by L. B. Greene. The Free Press New York 1965, 153.