1. R. Geick, Z. Phys.163, 499 (1961).
2. A. Otto, Spectroscopy of surface polaritons by attenuated total reflection, in: Optical Properties of Solids, New Developments, B. O. Seraphin, ed., North Holland Publ. Comp., 1976.
3. K. L. Kliewer, R. Fuchs, Aspects of the study of surfaces, Chichester, Sussex, England 1974, vol. 27.
4. H. Wolter, in: Handbuch der Physik Bd. XXIV, Springer, Berlin/Göttingen/Heidelberg 1956.
5. supplied by Dr. K. Korth, Am Jägersberg 9, D-2300 Kiel 27.