1. The Physicochemical Properties of Individual Hydrocarbons, No. 6, Edited by M. D. Tilicheev, Gostoptekhizdat (1957);
2. The Physicochemical Properties of Individual Hydrocarbons, Edited by V. M. Tatevskii, Gostoptekhizdat (1960).
3. N. B. Vargaftik, Handbook on the Thermophysical Properties of Gases and Liquids, Fizmatgia (1963).
4. G. B. Bokii, G. G. Tsurinov, V. I. Sokol and V. Z. Kolodyazhnyi, Zh. neorg. khim.,6 (8), 1754 (1961).
5. A. Weissberger, E. S. Proskauer, J. A. Riddick and E. E. Toops, Organic Solvents, IL (1958).