1. N. E. Cusac:Rep. Progr. Phys.,26, 361 (1963).
2. T. E. Faber:The Physics of Metals, Vol.1, (Memorial volume in honour of SirN. F. Mott on the occasion of his 60th birthday) (Cambridge, 1969), p. 283. These two references give an excellent review of the various experimental works on conductivity of liquid metals.
3. J. M. Ziman:Phil. Mag.,6, 1013 (1961);Adv. Phys.,13, 89 (1964).
4. S. K. Shrivastava andP. K. Sharma:Physica,48, 225 (1970).
5. L. J. Sundström:Phil. Mag.,11, 657 (1965).