High-energy physics after the SPS collider


Giffon M.,Predazzi E.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Physics and Astronomy

Reference92 articles.

1. R. J. Eden:High Energy Collisions of Elementary Particles (Cambridge University Press, London, 1967);S. M. Roy:Phys. Rep. C,5, 125 (1972);G. Giacomelli:Phys Rep. C,23, 123 (1972);F. J. Yndurayin:Rev. Mod. Phys.,44, 645 (1972);E. Predazzi:Riv. Nuovo Cimento,6, No. 2, 217 (1976);2, No. 11, 1 (1979);G. Giacomelli andM. Jacob:Phys. Rep. C,55, 1 (1979);J. Fisher:Phys. Rep. C,76, 157 (1981).

2. E. Leader andE. Predazzi:An Introduction to Gauge Theories and the New Physics (Cambridge University Press, London, 1982).

3. We shall quote the original papers as much as possible; however, in order not to have an endless list of references, we shall often rely also on some of the many review papers that have already appeared where an additional extensive literature can be found. In particular, we refer the interested reader to Proceedings of the Third Topical Workshop on $$\bar pp$$ Collider Physics, edited byC. Bacci andG. Salvini (Rome, 1983) andProceedings of the High-Energy Physics Conference, Brighton, England, July, 1983 (see especially the rapporteur talk byG. Matthiae quoted as ref. [6]G. Matthiae:Soft hadronic interactions, inProceedings of the High-Energy Physics Conference, July 1983, Brighton, UK, CERN preprint EP 83-140 in the following from which we shall borrow rather freely). See alsoM. Jacob:Collider Physics—Present and Prospects, CERN Th-3693 (1983). For a preliminary assessment of the hadronic news from the SPS collider see alsoE. Predazzi:High-Energy Physics: Asymptopia or Utopia? (invited talk at the meeting in honor ofE. Caianiello, Amalfi, 1983) of which the present review is an updated and expanded version. See alsoK. Böckmann:Recent Results from the UA5 Experiment at the CERN $$\bar pp$$ Collider, inIII International Conference on Physics in Collisions, Como, 1983.

4. G. B. Yodh, T. Pal andS. J. Trefil:Phys. Rev. Lett.,28, 1005 (1972).

5. UA1 Collaboration (G. Arnison, A. Astbury, B. Aubert, C. Bacci, G. Bauer, A. Bézaguet, R. Böck, R. Bossart, J. Bosser, T. J. V. Bowcock, M. Calvetti, T. Carroll, P. Catz, P. Cennini, S. Centro, F. Ceradini, S. Cittolin, D. Cline, C. Cochet, J. Colas, M. Corden, D. Dallman, M. De Beer, M. Della Negra, M. Demoulin, D. Denegri, R. Desalvo, A. Diciaccio, D. Di Bitonto, L. Dobrzynski, J. Dowell, M. Edwards, K. Eggert, E. Eisenhandler, N. Ellis, P. Erhard, L. Evans, H. Faissner, G. Fontaine, R. Frey, R. Frühwirth, J. Garvey, S. Geer, C. Ghesquiere, P. Ghez, K. Giboni, W. R. Gibson, Y. Giraud-Héraud, A. Givernaud, A. Gonidec, G. Grayer, P. Gutierrez, T. Hansl-Kozanecka, W. J. Haynes, L. O. Hertzberger, C. Hodges, D. Hoffmann, H. Hoffmann, G. von Holtey, D. J. Holthuizen, R. J. Homer, A. Honma, W. Jank, G. Jorat, P. I. P. Kalmus, V. Karimäki, R. Keeler, I. Kenyon, A. Kernan, R. Kinnunen, H. Kowalski, W. Kozanecki, D. Kryn, F. Lacava, J.-P. Laugier, J.-P. Lees, H. Lehmann, R. Leuchs, A. Lévêque, D. Linglin, E. Locci, M. Loret, J.-J. Malosse, T. Markiewicz, G. Maurin, T. McMahon, J.-P. Mendiburu, M.-N. Minard, K. Morgan, M. Moricca, H. Muirhead, F. Muller, A. K. Nandi, L. Naumann, A. Norton, A. Orkin-Lecourtois, L. Paoluzzi, G. Piano Mortari, M. Pimia, A. Placci, M. Rabany, E. Radermacher, J. Ransdell, H. Reithler, J. Rich, J.-P. Revol, M. Rijssenbeek, C. Roberts, J. Rohlf, P. Rossi, C. Rubbia, B. Sadoulet, G. Sajot, G. Salvi, G. Salvini, J. Sass, J. Saudraix, A. Savoy-Navarro, D. Schinzel, W. Scott, T. P. Shah, P. Sievers, D. Smith, M. Spiro, J. Strauss, K. Sumorok, F. Szoncso, C. Tao, G. Thompson, J. Timmer, E. Tscheslog, J. Tuominiemi, J.-P. Vialle, G. Vismara, J. Vrana, V. Vuillemin, H. D. Wahl, P. Watkins, J. Wilson, G. Y. Xie, M. Yvert andE. Zurfluh):Phys. Lett. B,128, 336 (1983);UA4 Collaboration (R. Battiston, M. Bozzo, P. L. Braccini, F. Carbonara, R. Carrara, R. Castaldi, F. Cervelli, G. Chiefari, E. Drago, M. Haguenauer, B. Koene, G. Matthiae, L. Merola, M. Napolitano, V. Palladino, G. Sanguinetti, G. Sciacca, G. Sette, R. van Swol, J. Timmermans, C. Vannini, J. Velasco andF. Visco):Phys. Lett. B,117, 126 (1982).

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1. Hadrons in EAS initiated by cosmic gamma-rays with ultra-high energy;Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics;1992-05-01

2. Does the nuclear heavy-ion cross section stay constant at ultra-relativistic energies?;Nuclear Physics A;1991-02

3. About the selection efficiency of extensive air showers initiated by different cosmic primaries;Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics;1991-01-01

4. La physique hadronique des collisions molles;Canadian Journal of Physics;1989-12-01

5. One fire-ball;Chinese Physics Letters;1989-04








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