1. Bertalanffy, L. von: 1981,A Systems View of Man, ed. by P. LaViolette (Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado).
2. Bertalanffy, L. von: 1968,General Systems Theory (G. Braziller, Intl. Library of Systems Theory and Philosophy, New York).
3. Bertalanffy, L. von: 1975,Perspectives on General Systems Theory, ed. by Edgar Taschdjian (G. Braziller, Intl. Library of Systems Theory and Philosophy, New York).
4. Blauberg, I. V., V. N. Sadovsky, and E. G. Yudin: 1977,Systems Theory, Philosophical and Methodological Problems (Progress Publishers, Moscow).
5. Bogdanov, A.: 1980,Essays in Tektology, transl. by George Gorelik (Intersystems, Seaside, CA).