1. G.I. ESKIN (1981): Boundary Value Problems for Elliptic Pseudo-differential Equations. AMS Transl. of Math. Monographs, Vol. 52, Providence.
2. W.A. HEISKANEN, H. MORITZ (1967): Physical Geodesy. S. Francisco and London.
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4. P. HOLOTA (1983): The Altimetry-Gravimetry Boundary Value Problem I: Linearization, Friedrich's Inequality, Boll. Geod. Sc. Aff.,XLII, pp. 14–32.
5. P. HOLOTA (1983): The Altimetry-Gravimetry Boundary Value Problem II: Weak Solution, V-Ellipticity. Boll. Geod. Sc. Aff.,XLII, pp. 70–84.