Theories with gapped continuum spectra have gotten some attention, either as pure 4D models like unparticles, or in 5D realizations as certain soft walls constructions. In this paper, we derive experimental bounds from Drell-Yan processes (pp → ℓ+ℓ−, pp → ℓ±ν) in a particular scenario where the electroweak bosons propagate in an extra dimension that produces a propagator with a continuum spectrum, on top of the isolated corresponding Standard Model pole. Using current LHC data we put a lower bound on the gap of 4.2 TeV (expected), 6.2 TeV (observed, bins with < 10 events combined) at 95% CL, with some dependence in the observed limit on how low statistics bins are treated. We also study the limits for HL-LHC.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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