In this work, we study the realization of non-invertible duality symmetries along the toroidal branch of the c = 2 conformal manifold. A systematic procedure to construct symmetry defects is implemented to show that all Rational Conformal Field Theories along this branch enjoy duality symmetries. Furthermore, we delve into an in-depth analysis of two representative cases of multicritical theories, where the toroidal branch meets various orbifold branches. For these particular examples, the categorical data and the defect Hilbert spaces associated with the duality symmetries are obtained by resorting to modular covariance. Finally, we study the interplay between these novel symmetries and the various exactly marginal and relevant deformations, including some representative examples of Renormalization Group flows where the infrared is constrained by the non-invertible symmetries and their anomalies.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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