1. N. S. Shimanskaya, Nuclear Constants of Transactinium Isotopes of the Fuel Cycle [in Russian], V. G. Khlopin Radium Institute, Leningrad (1978), p. 22.
2. Yu. V. Khol'nov, V. P. Chechev, Sh. V. Kamynov, et al., Characteristics of the Radiations of Radioactive Nuclides Used in the National Economy [in Russian], Atomizdat, Moscow (1980), p. 375.
3. S. Raman, Transactinium Isotopes Nuclear Data, Vol. 3, IAEA, Vienna (1976), p. 39.
4. D. Muir, World Request List for Nuclear Data, Wrenda 79/80, INDS (SEC)-73URSF, IAEA, Vienna (1979).
5. A. Nichols and M. James, INDC (NDS)-126/NE, Summary Report IAEA, Vienna (1981), p. 17.