1. E. E. Hoffman:Corrosion of Materials by Lithium at Elevated Temperatures, ORNL 2924, 1960.
2. W. D. Wilkinson and F. L. Yagee:Attack on Metals by Lithium, ANL 4990, 1950.
3. J. E. Cunningham:Resistance of Metallic Materials in Corrosion Attack by High-Temperature Lithium, ORNL-CF-51-7-135, 1951.
4. D. L. Olson and W. L. Bradley:The Corrosion of Ferrous Alloys in Nitrogen-Contaminated Liquid Lithium, ERDA Conference Report CONF-760503-P1, pp. 446–452, 1976.
5. D. A. Bates: M.S. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, T-2092, 1978.