1. “Specification for Nickel and Nickel Base Alloy Clad Steel Plate,” Material Specification SA-265,ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section 2, 1983.
2. “A Standard Specification for Nickel and Nickel Base Alloy Clad Steel Plate,” SA-265, 1983, designation A265-81a,Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 1984, vol. 01.04.
3. L. E. Shoemaker: “Welding INCONEL alloy 625 Clad Steel Plate for Flue Gas Desulfurization Service,” presented at the AWS Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, NV, April 1985.
4. E. L. Hibner, L. E. Shoemaker, and R. W. Ross, Jr.: “Effect of Welding Procedures on Corrosion Resistance of Welded INCONEL alloy 625 Clad Steel Plate in a Flue Gas Desulfurization Environment,” presented at the NACE Annual Meeting CORROSION/85 in Boston, MA, March 1985.
5. G. T. Paul and R. W. Ross, Jr.: “Corrosion Performance in FGD Systems at Laramie River and Dallman Stations,” Paper No. 194, presented at the NACE Annual Meeting CORROSION/83, April 1983.