1. S. R. Levine. R. A. Miller, and P. E. Hodge: “Thermal Barrier Coatings for Heat Engine Components,”SAMPE Quarterly, December 1, 1980, p. 20.
2. K. D. Sheffler and N. P. Anderson: “Development of Strain Tolerant Thermal Barrier Coating Systems,” United Technology Corp., PWA Engineering Division, prepared for NASA, Contract NAS3-22548, September 1983.
3. R. Stevens: “An Introduction to Zirconia,” Sherwin River Ltd., U.K., 1983.
4. R. Holtman. J. Layne, and B. Schechter: “An Investigation of Enhanced Capability Thermal Barrier Coating Systems for Diesel Engine Component,” Allison Gas Turbine Division, General Motors Corporation. Indianapolis, IN, prepared for NASA, contract DEN3-326, August 1984.
5. A.G. Davis, D.H. Boone, and A.V. Levy: “Erosion of Ceramic Thermal Barrier Coatings,” paper presented at Corrosion 84-International Corrosion Forum, April 2–6, 1984, New Orleans, LA, New Orleans Hilton.