1. Act. no. 139/2002 (2002) Czech National Council Act no. 139/2002, On Land Consolidation and Land Offices and amending Act no. 229/1991 on Regulation of the ownership of land and other agricultural property, as subsequently amended by Act no. 53/2004, no. 186/2006, no. 124/2008, no. 227/2009, no. 503/2012 and no. 280/2013 (Ministry of Agriculture, ed.), Prague (In Czech)
2. Act no. 256/2013 (2013) Parliament of the Czech Republic Act no. 256/2013, On the Cadastre (Land Act) (Czech Surveying and Cadastre Office, ed.), Prague (In Czech)
3. Act no. 334/1992 (1992) Czech National Council Act no. 334/1992, On the Protection of Agricultural Land Fund (Ministry of Agriculture, ed.), Prague (In Czech)
4. Alatorre LC, Begueria S, Lana-Renault N, Navas A, Garcia-Ruiz JM (2012) Soil erosion and sediment delivery in a mountain catchment under scenarios of land use change using a spatially distributed numerical model. Hydrol Earth Syst Sc 16(5):1321–1334
5. Announcement No. 13/1994 (1994) Czech Republic, Announcement of Ministry of Environment No. 13/1994. Regulating certain details of protection of agricultural land fund (Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, ed.), Prague (In Czech)