1. Pereira, J.: SuperSET. Undergraduate Thesis, Bard College (2013)
2. Rose, L.: Quads: a SET-like game with a Twist. In: MAA Notes Series (to appear)
3. For Women in Math A: EvenQuads Website. https://awm-math.org/publications/playing-cards/
4. Rose, L., Van Huyck, C.: Quads App (2021). https://drlaurenrose.github.io/QUADS/
5. Bennett, M.: Bounds on sizes of generalized caps in $$AG(n, q)$$ via the Croot–Lev–Pach polynomial method. J. Comb. Theory A 168, 255–271 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcta.2019.06.001