1. J. F. Haskins and J. R. Kerr: “Time-Temperature-Stress Capabilities of Composite Materials for Supersonic Cruise Aircraft Applications”, 1977, NASA Technical Report #N-77-18035.
2. M. A. Wright:Metall. Trans. A, 1975, vol. 6A, p. 129.
3. H.H. Grimes, R. A. Lad, and J. E. Maisel:Metall. Trans. A, 1977, vol. 8A, p. 1999.
4. M. K. White and M. A. Wright: “Investigations into the Mechanics of Thermal Cycling Damage in Metal Matrix Composites”, University of Tennessee Space Institute, December 1976, ONR Technical Report, Contract #N00014-75-C-0352.
5. W.H. Kim, M. J. Koczak, and A. Lawley:ICCM/2, Proceedings of the 1978 International Conference on Composite Materials, B. Noton, R. Signorelli, K. Street, and L. Phillips, eds., The Metallurgical Society of AIME, New York, NY, 1978, p. 487.